Episode 1: A Wonderful Faith: The Spiritual Journey in 'It's a Wonderful Life'

In our very first episode, we delve into the classic film 'It's a Wonderful Life' and explore its theme, subtext, imagery, and more.

1. Introduction: Brief overview of 'It's a Wonderful Life.

2. Subject and Theme Exploration: Discussion on the film's major and minor theme and whether they communicate truth or lies from  biblical perspective.

3. Setups and Payoffs, Imagery, and subtext discussion: Deep dive into some of the setups and payoffs, imagery, and subtext and how they reinforce the theme and encourage discussion regarding faith and culture.

4. Conclusion: Discussion on theme, setups and payoffs, Imagery, and subtext within the film and how they allude to faith, redemption, and the value of human life.

We hope this episode enriches your understanding of 'It's a Wonderful Life' and its biblical connections. Join us as we continue to explore the Bible through the lens of film.